My new web site is launched
12 Mar
The date of 12th of ย March was and still is a special day for me. So after working for more than two weeks with my team mate Eli, at my new web site, I am finally launching it. So from now on this is the place where you can read my race reports and stories. I still have to update it a bit with more information, but hopefully soon it will be complete.
It’s been a while since I’ve shared the news with you and a lot of things changed. I am proud that I am back on Cannondale after a good season on Focus. For that I would like to say a big thank you to MarosBike. Also I am glad that the shop supports me as I am back on Cannondale. This season will be a really special one as you might read on the page “Why pink“.
Also I have also finished the contract with some of my 2011 sponsors and I would like to say “thanks” for their support, but I also have some new partners for this season and I am happy that they will support me.
Even if it’s March, snow storms and cold weather are still present in Romania so training is more difficult than usual, but I try to be tough. Hopefully on the 7th of April I will be in a good shape.
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