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Nove Mesto na Morave MTB World Cup – FFWD XCO

30 May


This race report should have been online earlier, but better later than never. 10 years ago, in May 2012 I had the chance to race my very first Mountainbike World Cup. Back then UCI strongly thought the XCE (Eliminator) was something for the future. Meanwhile things had changed and now the Short Track (XCC) is […]

Triada MTB Paltinis – XCO + XCM

12 Aug


Before heading to the next race I want it to share with you the race report from the latest edition of Triada MTB Paltinis. A two days race format, with an XCO on Saturday and XCM on Sunday. About the XCO: UCI C1 race, so we had a though competition from Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech […]

Herneacova XCO – the wasps nest

7 Aug


This was the first race for me after the National Championships and the feelings are good. On Saturday with George we started a 5h car trip from Cluj to Herneacova, a village near Timisoara where on Sunday was a UCI C2 race. Traffic jams, too many cars on the road, too hot outsite, but we’ve […]

NapoCup XCO

27 Apr


Or the UCI race in Cluj Napoca, my hometown. As I said before XCO races are the one I like most. Short but intense, technical and difficult. The location of this year was different, some of the course being made in the Transylvanian Museum of Ethnography, which is a beautiful place to visit if you […]

2014 World Championships

17 Sep

First, excuse the late race report, there were some technical issues. But now let’s get back to what’s important. For me the World Championships is the ultimate race when I am thinking at mountainbiking so thatโ€™s why my goal is to race it whenever I can. Itโ€™s not about the result, because Romania doesnโ€™t count […]